Shield Maiden

Are You a Powerful Woman?
If you are a business lady, or female entrepreneur and you’ve always felt you were different, like you were meant for more than just existing, then this is for you.
There’s always been a group of women since the beginning of time who were built differently.
Yes, you can be a mother, a spouse, a gentle, kind and loving human being, while at the same time, leading powerfully and creating results that matter.
“Built Different” means you lead, you have big dreams and goals to influence, impact and inspire others and you know deep inside you have a mission to fulfill.
You’ve always known you were different.
Sometimes you were told to just settle down, or you were told that you were too much, and that you were too much to handle.
I have news for you, you are different and that’s ok.
You lead, you inspire, you have a voice, you have big dreams and the best way to do all of that is to lead from the front.
Whether you own and operate a business, have an entrepreneurial journey, have a team of employees, feel like you have a message to share with the world, this is for you.
You are NOT alone.
It’s time to rise up and live your greatest calling.

The Shield Maiden Experience
Shield Maiden is a 4-Day experiential leadership training program – that’s run by men. Yes, there are former Shield Maiden graduates also coaching and running support, but mainly, it’s a program for women run by men.
Q: What gives a man a right to tell a woman what to do and what to think? (Yeah, we get asked that a lot.)
A: That’s not what we do. So, the question is irrelevant.
We don’t tell women what to do. Instead, we create an environment where women can be 100% truthful and ruthlessly raw about what they already know they want to do but have been suppressing and hiding for most of, if not their entire lives. We create an environment and set of agreements that ensure that sharing takes place in a 100% no-judgement zone.
Time to rise
We have expertly designed and relentlessly improved a proprietary set of physical evolutions, guided exercises, group leadership models, and intense meditation and journaling sessions all for one purpose:
To create a sacred space for women who own businesses to share, confront, overcome, and rebirth the power of their deepest and most powerful passions, dreams, and ambitions.
Being men allows us to simply create this environment without competing energy and allow the women to create the magic amongst themselves.
If you’re a powerful woman who owns a business – a modern day warrior woman who can belt the sword and hoist the shield all while loving and caring for everyone around them and wearing a killer outfit…
Shield Maiden is the place for you. Your Shield Maiden sisters are the women. We are the coaches. This is the program you’ve been waiting for.
Time Commitment
- 3 weeks of virtual study, mental preparation. Avg 1 hour per day.
- 4-Day Experience (Tues - Friday 6AM to 10PM every day)
- Travel day on each end - Monday & Saturday