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There are people who want to create significant things in their lives, but they get hung up by these two false beliefs:
Number one, it has to be perfect before I launch.
And secondly, I have got to FEEL like doing it.
It’s ludicrous to feel like you have to be in the MOOD to get things done, and yet we aren’t supposed to wait for it all to line up first.
If you are trying to create something that will get you to the next level, whether it’s starting or elevating, you will NEVER do it if you wait until you feel like it.
Here’s a fact for you: You’re not always going to feel like doing it!
If you say that you’re going to get up and go, DO IT, regardless of how you feel.
You don’t FEEL your way into action: You ACT your way into FEELING.
You do what is required and say what you’re going to do, and ship the imperfect product.
No matter how imperfect that first action may be, SHIP IT as Seth Godin states, so that you have something to go off of to then modify and course correct from.
Imperfect action is the way.
Why is this so significance for you?
Inside your life, you can start NOW to eat better, read some spiritual text that you’ve been meaning to get around to, organize a date night or go for a family walk, and start
It’s really that simple.
Any type of action will get you towards the NRA’s, the Necessary Required Action that will become game changers later on in your life.
Get out of your head the little voices tearing you down and telling you that you can’t do it. JUST GET STARTED!
Act your way into feeling like it.
Ask yourself:
* Can I take imperfect action today?
* What am I waiting for?
* What is one area in my life TODAY that I will take imperfect action and DO IT?
You can do the things that you want to do and you can create the life that you want to create, all with IMPERFECT ACTION.
This is the Prosperity Revolution, a daily podcast that will help you revolutionize your personal world which will allow you to then change your outer world.
Share this with others.
Stop being a victim.
Take your life back.
The Revolution Has Begun.
Love you,
Setema Gali – The Reverend of the Revolution