Closers. People who do sales. People who close deals. They live in the land of yes’s and no’s.
Once a man or a woman gets radically honest about their reality things really open up.
Are you ready? Are you in? In means that there is no going back. There is no option to quit or give up. Be willing to change your behaviors and do what is required.
When a person says yes, miracles will happen. A powerful yes means YES! A yes means that you’re going to do whatever it takes.
Powerful yes is yes no matter what.
A weak yes is “yes, but…”
There are only yes’s and no’s in life.
If you live by powerful yes’s your life is going to change dramatically.
Don’t live by weak no’s and yes’s.
If you say yes to something, it means you COMMIT.
You have to get used to saying no as well. Over committing yourself is NOT powerful.
Be a person of integrity. A person that can be counted on.
Sometimes the greatest thing you can do is to say no. When you say no to something, you are saying yes to something even more important.
Ask yourself:
*Where in your life today, in the big four, are you still living by weak yes’s and weak no’s?
If you live by powerful yes’s and no’s miracles will happen.
This is the Prosperity Revolution, a daily podcast that will help you revolutionize your personal world which will allow you to then change your outer world.
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Stop being a victim.
Take your life back.
The Revolution Has Begun.
Love you,
Setema Gali – The Reverend of the Revolution