If you have ever been sued or you have had to sue, you know that it is not a fast or easy thing.
Love your enemies, and forgive them.
It does ZERO good to get bitter.
As you grow older, there is a lot that you’ve seen in life.
If you’re not careful, you become bitter.
If you’re bitter, you become a victim and a chump.
Regardless of the situation, find the forgiveness in your heart.
Without love, you have nothing.
If there is something in your life you need to get clean with, go get it done.
Forgive, and let love run your life.
Love doesn’t make you soft, it makes you strong.
Ask yourself:
*Who can you forgive today?
When you’ve been through difficult situations it is easy to get bitter. Instead, find forgiveness in your heart and let love lead your life.
This is the Prosperity Revolution, a daily podcast that will help you revolutionize your personal world which will allow you to then change your outer world.
Share this with others.
Stop being a victim.
Take your life back.
The Revolution Has Begun.
Love you,
Setema Gali – The Reverend of the Revolution