Sometimes, being around certain types of people make you feel intimidated while others make you feel confident.
There are two things when it comes to power:
- Keep your word. Do what you said you would do.
- Speak powerfully and use your language to create intentionally and deliberately.
When you start to keep your word, your words become your bond, and you begin to trust your word. Then, you begin to trust yourself. When you say it’ll happen, it will.
Be a fighter. Don’t give up, keep fighting.
The reason your word would be challenged is that you gave a reason for it to be challenged.
Keep your word no matter what.
When you’re committed you’ll find a way.
When you can’t keep your word you need to clean it up, and there are three ways to do that:
- Confront it.
- Clean it up.
- Create a new commitment.
Get back up and go to work.
Everyone goes through the fire.
Ask yourself:
*Can you go through the fire without getting burned?
If you want more power in your life the first thing you need to do is keep your word.
This is the Prosperity Revolution, a daily podcast that will help you revolutionize your personal world which will allow you to then change your outer world.
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Stop being a victim.
Take your life back.
The Revolution Has Begun.
Love you,
Setema Gali – The Reverend of the Revolution