Sometimes six or seven figure deals can come from one conversation.
When you start to see the charge backs, it hurts. It hurts when people don’t do what they said they would do.
The anger is a difficult thing to overcome.
Let it go.
Learn how to listen to the voice and let go of the Chucks in your life.
Let go of the things that are costing you.
Choosing anger will cost you in more ways than one.
Once you let it go, you will feel immediate peace.
Life is what you build yourself to be.
Perspective creates possibilities.
Losing is only losing if you don’t learn.
Ask yourself:
*Where are you still holding on in your life where you should just let it go?
*Where in your life do you think you’re right, but you need to just let it go?
When $10,000 comes out of the bank account, it hurts. You get angry. Instead of letting anger consume you, just let it go.
This is the Prosperity Revolution, a daily podcast that will help you revolutionize your personal world which will allow you to then change your outer world.
Share this with others.
Stop being a victim.
Take your life back.
The Revolution Has Begun.
Love you,
Setema Gali – The Reverend of the Revolution