Do you ask your partner out on dates?
Dating your spouse makes you money, and it makes you happy.
Did you get married to not get divorced?
It’s easy to just work and chase the dollar.
Is your spouse your best friend?
Are you honest and open with your spouse about everything?
Do you express your appreciation?
When you’re working, you need to 100% know that everything is okay in your relationship and in your home.
If you know that everything is okay you will be able to put more energy into what you do.
Date night needs to be non-negotiable.
You date your spouse every single week.
Tell them how much you love them.
Ask yourself:
*Is your spouse your highest priority?
If your relationship isn’t 100% okay and what you want it to be, you will not have the capacity to make more money and be happier. Do you date your spouse?
This is the Prosperity Revolution, a daily podcast that will help you revolutionize your personal world which will allow you to then change your outer world.
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The Revolution Has Begun.
Love you,
Setema Gali – The Reverend of the Revolution